Trunks apologizes for keeping everyone waiting. Trunks reignites the hope of going back to the past as he shows Mai the energy that Bulma sacrificed her life to get, further stating they can go back to the past. Future Trunks sitting. In his rage, and ignoring Trunks' warning, Krillin attacks Cell, who isn't harmed in the slightest. How close were SSJ Future Trunks and SSJ Goku in power level when they first met Dragon Ball - General This is a split board - You can return to the Split List for other boards. As soon as the pair arrive at Kame House, they watch the news broadcast at the behest of Krillin. Upon meeting the Future Warrior for the first time Trunks takes all of his attacks and shows no signs of damage or fatigue. Beerus notes that Goku briefly used his Super Saiyan God form, while Vegeta, also noticing this, berates him. However, in Super, both Future Trunks and Present Trunks meet and greet each other when Bulma explains the former's situation. Just before Vegeta and Trunks head off to face Cell, Goku gives him a few Senzu beans and tells Trunks to do his best. Future Trunks becomes enraged by Black's appearance in the past and he is ready to fight but is stopped by Vegeta. Being the primary face of his Time Patrol operation and desperate to seek warriors in the future, Future Trunks is dedicated to put an end to Mira's threat. I won't let you do this anymore!" When in this transformed state, Future Trunks' power level increases dramatically and he eventually masters the form after training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Vegeta in the past. Goku and Cell partake in an intense bout that leaves both combatants exhausted in the process. Hearts (Ultimate), Future Trunks, Piccolo, Android 17, Hit, and Jiren vs. However, Bulma wants to give Trunks a haircut first, so his long hair doesn't get in his eyes, much to Vegeta's irritation. In Age 737, Frieza attacks Planet Vegeta and Bardock with his Supernova. Though she tricked Trunks into working for her, Chronoa understands Trunks' reasons for altering history were noble and allowed his alternations to history and the alternate timelines created by them to remain as history turned out for the better because of it, though forbids Trunks from physically taking part in correcting the past of timelines such as his own or ones where his time traveling past self is present do to the potential dangers involved, except in certain cases (such as his past self not being present). Cell begins the attack but is interrupted when Trunks powers up and unleashes a massive destructive wave of energy which incinerates Cell completely. Despite his best efforts, Future Trunks is eventually knocked out, but was saved by Mai. I can't do it without you! The energy involved in the transformation causes Future Trunks' hair to stand on end and turn a golden color. Future Trunks is a hero in DBZ Tribute representing the Z-Fighters. However, Cell is impressed that Vegeta and Trunks had improved so significantly in a short amount of time, and asks how it was possible. The Miraculous Power of Unyielding Warriors, eschews his physical body to become one with the universe, Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan, Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road, Dragon Ball: Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans, Dragon Ball Z Gaiden: Saiyajin Zetsumetsu Keikaku, Dragon Ball Z Gaiden: Shin Saiyajin Zetsumetsu Keikaku - Chikyū-Hen, Dragon Ball Z: Idainaru Son Goku Densetsu, Dragon Ball Z Gaiden: Shin Saiyajin Zetsumetsu Keikaku - Uchū-Hen, Dragon Ball Z: Collectible CD Picture Cards, Dragon Ball Z: Battle Taikan Kamehameha 2 - Ossu Omee Gokū Tenkaichi Budōkai, chopped him in half with his sword, sliced him to pieces, and shot an energy blast, knocked him to the ground and blew him up with an energy blast, Feelings That Transcend Time: Trunks and Mai, "Destroys King Cold without giving him time to attack. You should've let me help you! Trunks returns to the hyperbolic time chamber again before the Cell Games. They also have quite a bit of personality differences; while Present Trunks is cocky and arrogant like his father, Future Trunks is not, taking more after his mother Bulma. In Xenoverse 2 as part of the Super Pack 4 DLC, the Sword of Hope appears as a Ultimate Skill that functions like a transformation for Future Trunks. Trunks joins in with the others in attacking him but is swiftly taken down in a single blow. The completely unscathed Trunks returns home since everything now seems at peace with the Earth, except he knows one thing remains: Cell who is likely around in his world. However, Cell creates an Energy Field around himself, which prevents his transformation from being interrupted. Vegeta then gives everything he can give to try and take down Super Perfect Cell although he fails and is overwhelmed by Cell's power, who takes all his attacks without a scratch and severely cripples him with a halfhearted blow, preparing to kill him like he did Trunks (only to have Gohan shield him, but at the cost of the use of his left arm). All seven warriors arrive at the Cell Games arena, and are joined by the already present Vegeta and Android 16. Pushed to the edge, he uses his sword to stop a ki blast from Black, and blinds him with a Masenko. After being imprisoned he wears a green prison uniform. Goku Black uses Instant Transmission to dodge the attack and elbows Trunks behind the neck, causing him to power down. He resembles Future Trunks from Dragon Ball Z in appearance as he wears Future Trunks' original Capsule Corporation Jacket, though with Tapion's mohawk hairstyle and Trunks' purple hair color. Trunks and Cell Jr. stop fighting from Gohan's power. During Goku's fight with Kamioren, Future Trunks and the other members of the Dragon Team assist Goku by launching an energy barrage against the merged Neo Machine Mutant. After the feast, Goku wonders who is stronger, and Trunks asserts that he is stronger than the two Future Warriors as he has been a Time Patroller longer than either of them. He then learns about the Time Ring from Whis and Beerus and asks for one but Beerus tells him that The Time Ring can only be used by the Supreme Kais. Future Trunks was weaker than Future Gohan, true. Krillin is confused, and Trunks explains that each trip to the past creates new futures, using their situation as an example. You've made life a living hell for everyone because no one could stand up to you. Trunks is the second Saiyan to take on Perfect Cell with the intention of destroying him. Goku remarks that he and Vegeta took a long time. The two artificial lifeforms enter into the wounds of Kale and Caulifla and possess them, after the Tuffleized Caulifla takes down Hit, she goes after Future Trunks, who asks his father what they should do. Trunks replies that he won't know until he tries. Future Trunks realizes the energy came from the rift in time Black had created which disappears and wonders how he can ever repay everyone who helped him. He has a difficult time fighting two against one and, when he tries to cut down Android 15, he is knocked away by Android 14. Future Trunks wasn't entirely convinced and suggests going back to the future to confirm Beerus' theory. Future Trunks also became able to sense the ki of Goku and Vegeta despite them being in their Super Saiyan Blue forms (previously while training with Vegeta, Future Trunks noted he could not sense his ki as a Super Saiyan Blue). By the time Present Trunks was born, the timeline had been altered by Future Trunks' and Cell's trips to the past. After two hours, upon looking at his watch, Trunks informs the Z Fighters that Goku's ship is about to land. Not sure. The Strongest Super Saiyan! Vegeta agrees to go in with Trunks as long as they can use it first, which Goku agrees with. Is this canon? Trunks then informs Goku of the future where the Androids arrive and kill all of the Z Fighters in a large battle, also telling Goku not to inform anyone about his parents. He informs him that he has killed the androids from the current time. When Fused Zamasu appears, Future Trunks is surprised to see him still alive. And even though I still wouldn't be able to bring back all those already gone, I might be able to save the people who are left.". This act causes a drastic change in Vegeta, who becomes enraged that someone who cared about him has been killed and reveals his affection for his son. Trunks is told by his father to get back as he proceeds to watch him battle the merged warrior, amazed when his father evolves even further into Super Saiyan God SS Evolved. Future Trunks (Super Saiyan 2/Super Saiyan Third Grade) vs. Future Trunks (Super Saiyan 2), Goku (Super Saiyan Blue), and Vegeta (Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) and, Future Trunks (Super Saiyan 2), Goku (Super Saiyan Blue), and Vegeta (Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Goku Black (Base/Super Saiyan Rosé) and Future Zamasu, Future Trunks (Super Saiyan 2) vs. Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé), Future Trunks (Super Saiyan Rage) & Vegeta (Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) & Future Zamasu, Future Trunks (Super Saiyan Rage/Super Saiyan) vs. Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) & Future Zamasu. Chronoa welcomes him back aboard now that he has official decided to stay of his own free will. Both Future Trunks and Future Mai momentarily looked at one-another before the latter departed. Future Trunks learns of another Time Machine. Trunks enters and explains he noticed they were correcting history earlier and correctly surmises it was connected to his "crime" of altering history. This Trunks is a great representation of the battle-heavy side of Dragon Ball, finding new extreme levels of power without adding much in terms of character. Later, alongside his father, Super Saiyan Future Trunks was able to pressure Oren and Kamin, who previously began overwhelming Hit, Cabba, Caulifla, and Kale. Suddenly a history change occurs in the scroll for Age 780 and Chronoa asks Trunks if he understands the danger of a history change in his past forces him to remain in the Time Nest and he confirms he understands after having experienced his own existence become ephemeral after Towa's previous two pronged attack on his timeline. on the second Time Machine, which he says Future Bulma wrote on the day he left. Later, when Future Trunks arrived in the past Goku and Vegeta assumed that it was Majin Buu who had defeated him. Why'd you go at it alone. During the Legendary Super Saiyan Saga, Trunks aids the Warrior by searching through the Time Scrolls to find out where the Wormholes have been appearing and manages to track down the time displaced Bardock and Broly on Dying Namek in Age 762. Trunks realizes this is why Vegeta never took on the Super Saiyan Third Grade form, and that Cell's right. 1/2 Human-type Earthling-1/2 Saiyan Eventually Chronoa and Elder Kai discover their has been a history change in Age 779 during Frieza's revenge. Future Trunks has already aided the Z Fighters in the past through time travel and defeated Future Cell by this point, however, even if it was for the protection of Earth's peace, the act of using the Time Machine is ultimately a violation of the laws of the universe. Future Trunks clearly fears the Androids, panicking at the introduction of Android 16. Bulma confirms with Trunks that the man inside is someone who looks exactly like him, as she orders Goku to go get a Senzu Bean, which he does. Trunks and the others watched on as Black and Future Zamasu fused using the Potara earrings. When Metal Cooler mocks him for jumping into the fight, Trunks reveals that he did not just dive in headfirst without a plan and reveals how he reprogrammed the central computer to the bewilderment of Metal Cooler. Bulma later explains the Time Machine to everyone as Future Trunks tells his counterpart they really first met when the latter was a baby. When Hit joins back into the battle, he and Future Trunks buy time for Vegeta who powers up a Final Flash which he prepares to fire at the Tuffleized Saiyans. Movie Debut Bulma teased the two saying that her future self will soon become a grandmother (much to their embarrassment). "The nightmare is over, Cell! When Future Trunks engaged in a sparring match with Goku, present Trunks cheered for him, also impressed by his power. When Cell powers up during his confrontation with Piccolo, all of the Z Fighters feel his power and identify it as the energy of Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Frieza, and King Cold radiating from a single point. Future Trunks then attempts to aid Goku and Gohan shortly after Broly went berserk. Angry over his father being controlled, Future Trunks transforms into a Super Saiyan and charges Oren but is quickly blasted into the sea when he uses Smash Break on him. Chronoa mentions seeing "Little" Trunks and Goten playing with them earlier, so Trunks and the warrior decide to go ask them about the figures. My name is Trunks, and I came from 20 years in the future. Upon noticing the massive orb and realizing what it is, Future Trunks flies into it and absorbs the energy, transforming his blade into a giant greatsword made of the light energy and making him equal to Fused Zamasu. Future Trunks uses Masenko against Goku Black to distract him, Super Saiyan Rage Trunks (Future) charging his Point-Blank Galick Gun in World Mission, Future Trunks performing the Evil Containment Wave on Future Zamasu in Dragon Ball Super. You don't believe in anything but yourself and we won't let you win! Trunks, angry at his father, decides to beat down Cell while he still has a chance and charges at Cell. Future Trunks learns that Future Mai got injured trying to hold back Black, he immediately rushes over and chews a Senzu Bean to heal her (in a CPR fashion), he leaves with Goku and Vegeta to confront Black and Future Zamasu, he and the others were shocked when learning that Black wasn't created by the Super Dragon Balls, but was another Zamasu that stole Goku's body. They agree and manage to defeat Whis and Beerus (though it is strongly implied that neither Beerus or Whis was fighting with their full power), so Beerus decides to leave Demigra's defeat up to the Time Patrol. After Frieza's death Trunks said next time he sees Frieza he would cut him in two which reminded Goku and Piccolo of Future Trunks. Classic editor History Talk (0) Share. Trunks is conflicted by emotions as a result of his reunion with Future Gohan and offers to join Future Gohan in fighting the Androids, despite knowing that doing so would change the course of history. re: Future Trunks and Android Saga Power Levels Cell possessed a hefty power advantage over Goku yet it was Goku's skill that kept him in the game for as long as it did. Imagine how all the innocent people you've hunted for years have felt. He engaged in a beam struggle with Fused Zamasu, and with Vegeta's assistance, they were able to overcome him. Vegeta begins to mock Trunks and makes a bet with Trunks: if Trunks could land a hit on him, Vegeta would forfeit and award the victory to Trunks. He is then with Bulma, Vegeta, Goku, and Trunks, where they see him in his current state, much to their corresponding concern. Vegeta pushes Janemba and Future Trunks out of the way but is hit by the Spirit Bomb, absorbing its energy. Because of Akira Toriyama's editor expressing dissatisfaction when they appeared, Toriyama created Androids 17 and 18 to be the androids Future Trunks foretold of, thus creating a plot hole. Upon seeing Goku, Future Trunks begins suffering from PTSD and mistakes Goku for Black. Hearts (Ultimate). In the TV special The History of Trunks, Future Trunks transforms for the first time after seeing his mentor Future Gohan killed at the hands of the androids in his timeline. His strength increases drastically to the point Vegeta says that Future Trunks is only a little bit weaker than him. The red bandanna Future Trunks wears around his neck in. Vegeta tells Cell that Trunks is nothing but a spectator, and that he alone should suffice to kill him. Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Universe Mission!! Trunks calls Cell's statement a bluff and charges. Enraged at the supposed death of Mai, Future Trunks powers up to a Super Saiyan 2 and fires a Masenko at Goku Black, who blocks it, but the force of the blast is enough to push Black outside of the Capsule Corporation building. The two begin fighting, but Future Trunks soon wonders why Gotenks attacked him and the fusion then comes undone. Trunks goes to search for Mai, and he is concerned at first when he knocks at her door and gets no answer, yet is relieved when he sees her. After ten days, the day of the Cell Games finally arrived. Trunks looks over at what Cell is looking at, then he spots Android 18 as well, and Krillin is with them. Cell managed to survive the blast, however, it vaporized everything to the right side above his torso. Future Trunks during his fight against Black. Vegeta carries Goku and gives Mai the Senzu beans, while Bulma starts the time machine. In Age 784, Trunks travels back in time 20 years, in order to warn Goku about the android threat in the near future, as well as to deliver medication that will cure Goku of the heart virus that he is supposed to die from. Trunks returns in Xenoverse 2 as a member of the Time Patrol and assistant to Chronoa. Future Trunks, Vegeta, Goku, and Bulma (who decides to tag along this time) return to the future, where they are greeted by the resistance and head into the base where the other members and refugees are. Soon, Trunks arrives on the island where Vegeta confronts Cell. In return, Kid Trunks gives Future Trunks a Time Machine that Bulma had given him so that Future Trunks can go back to his time. Future Trunks slices Mecha Frieza in half with his sword. 11 Legendary Super Saiyan. In the anime, back in the present, in his base state he spars with Super Saiyan Trunks briefly. Trunks decides they should start by getting Earthlings interested by having the Warrior fight the most famous Earthling there is who just so happens to walk by as their talking, the world champion Mr. Satan. Goku asks Future Trunks if it was Majin Buu who fought him, but Future Trunks explains that with Future Shin's assistance, he killed Dabura and Babidi, and prevented Majin Buu from resurrecting. Cell (Perfect Form), Future Trunks (Super Saiyan Third Grade) vs. Inside the rift they see Bardock as he confronts Mira to make him pay for brainwashing him and modifying his body against his will. Future Trunks can use this form on its own, or in combination with his Super Saiyan 2 Awoken Skill. Trunks takes action by grabbing Cell's tail and swinging him around in a circle, building up momentum, and then hurling him high into the air. Future Trunks and Trunks (Kid & GT) never actually interact during the game's story, though they have special dialog between them should they encounter each other in battle or in Parallel Quests. Shortly after, he and his father join Piccolo and Android 17 in their fight against the newly powered up Kamioren. Future Trunks or Goku Black?In this video I will show you the levels of power over the years. Goku helps Future Trunks to his feet and tells him that he is impressed with his power and is amazed that he was able to get so far on his own. When he ends up fighting just Android 14 alone, he continues to be on the losing end of the battle until he transforms into Super Saiyan. After Broly demonstrated his ruthless by destroying the slave's home planet, Future Trunks stated if they allowed Broly to live then he'd continue to destroy the whole universe. At the Lookout, Trunks, Vegeta, Tien Shinhan, and Piccolo wait for Goku and Gohan to exit the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. DAMMIT, IT'S NOT FAIR! Feb 3, 2008 #8 GT Trunks can't even go beyond SSJ. Trunks says he will not let him reach his perfect form, then transforms into the Super Saiyan Second Grade form like Vegeta and follows Cell. Goku soon arrives using Instant Transmission and confronts Demigra alongside the Future Warrior. Goku tells everyone to grab on to him as he uses Instant Transmission to transport them to where Demigra fled to and find themselves inside the Time Vault. Yamcha and Krillin then ask what the point of his trip to their timeline was, and Trunks says that he was hoping to find the androids' weakness or bring Goku to his timeline. Bidding farewell to Trunks, Future Gohan flies off to heroically confront his destiny. `인조인간 셀` 이야기에 등장한 미래의 트랭크스는 시간의 계왕의 의뢰를 받아 `시간의 경찰` 역할을 할 예정이다." Even when powerful foes like Buu and Beerus threatened to destroy the planet, he … Therefore, the two Trunks had completely different lives (as opposed to those who lived before the Time Machines arrived, who lived exactly the same lives as their counterparts until the point at which the two timelines diverge, three years before the androids arrived). Cell says that he had hoped to save the best for last, but there is nothing he can do. Intrigued, Vegeta tells Cell to go and obtain his Perfect Form but as Cell goes to leave, however, Trunks transforms into a Super Saiyan and cuts him off. Initially, Future Trunks is both shocked and confused, however, Android 18 reveals she even has a child with Krillin which surprises Future Trunks even more (apparently unaware that despite being an "android", Android 18 can produce an offspring), Android 18 approaches him and gives Future Trunks a friendly fist, to his anxiety Android 18 tells Future Trunks that she heard about him destroying her future timeline counterpart, and demands Future Trunks to pay, but Android 18 is just joking and rejoins Krillin and their daughter, to his slight relief, Future Trunks looks at Android 18 happy together with her family with an awkward look on his face, and goes on to check on his mother. Elder Kai and Chronoa comment on allowing Trunks reunion with Future Gohan remain a part of Future Trunks' timeline as Future Gohan willingly chose to accept his fate and heroically died fighting the Androids as he had in the original history. Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan, "If we let this dirt bag live, he'll continue to destroy the entire universe!" Future Trunks gives Kid Trunks his watch so that they will always be linked, even when they are in separate timelines. Chronoa attempts to dissuade him due to the potential destruction he could cause. He is easily defeated along with Vegeta by Android 18. Upon arriving Future Trunks finds Future Mai's hat and Goku is shot at by the resistance thinking that Goku is Black. Eventually, Future Trunks lands on the ground and asks Vegeta and the others to escape using the time machine then find a way to defeat Black and Zamasu, while he provides cover fire. In the A Desperate Future Saga, he, Future Gohan, and the 2nd Future Warrior were able to simultaneously stand against Mira and overpowered him with their combined might enhanced by their fighting spirit. Future Trunks fixes the jar and proceeded to learned the sealing technique, while Bulma leaves to distract Zamasu in order to buy time. Chronoa is quick to remind Trunks of the ramifications. The last time occurs when King Cold's soldier Iru reads Future Trunks' power level as 5 (as Future Trunks was hiding his true level); this is … Gohan offers to accompany Trunks, who gladly says that he can. She attempts to promote the Hero Colosseum through ads over the Time Patrol's PA system and handing out Hero Figures. Trunks and the Warrior later learn that the Demon God Demigra was the mysterious stranger who aided the Warrior back then, and Demigra attempts to kill Trunks, the Warrior, and Chronoa with his Majin Emblem, which fails thanks to Chronoa's quick intervention. Being completely outmatched, no way out. This, along with Broly, Paragus' son, being exposed as being the Legendary Super Saiyan afterwards, forces Paragus to confess that it was all a set up. When the fight ends, Black is sucked back into the future, but not before Black destroys the Time Machine. On The Lookout, Vegeta and Trunks enter the chamber, and Trunks immediately notes that the room is hot, with thin air and high gravity. He informs them that Turles is a dangerous opponent and they will need teamwork to take him down. Although Yamcha and Krillin urge him not to, he decides to go investigate. Future Trunks actually seems to have buffed up quite a bit. In his third match against the two (after isolating the pair), Super Saiyan Rage Future Trunks held his own against Black's Super Saiyan Rosé form and eventually pushed him back with a charged up Galick Gun. Together with Goku's assistance, the Future Warrior manages to defeat the villains, though they are soon confronted by a possessed Vegeta, Gohan, and Gotenks, though they manage to free them. Trunks attempts to stop Black, but fails. Well, your time ran out today. So Future Trunks current power level in DBS? Trunks is surprised at how strong his future counterpart is. He watches as the Future Warrior confronts Dark Android 17 alongside Piccolo, indicating that there were further changes to the timeline than they were aware of and warns that Cell would become even more powerful if he were to absorb Dark 17, ordering them to dispel the enchantment before Cell arrives. Everyone is shocked to hear that the enemy is someone who looks a lot like Goku, and he has committed genocide on Earth and countless other planets to kill all mortals in the name of justice. At the end of the "Future" Trunks Saga, as Future Trunks and Future Mai were about to disappear in the Time Machine, both Gohan and Piccolo appeared to bid farewell, Trunks looks at the former and was saddened that he couldn't save anyone in his timeline. Fanon; Page added by 564187; Android Saga power levels. - lit. re: Trunks Power Levels Keep in mind with this though, that the USSJ and USSJ2 forms technically aren't ascensions at all. The Future Piccolo = 5,000,000 Vegeta = 5,500,000 Gohan = 3,000,000 - SSJ = 150,000,000 - Post Training (Bas Stubborn and arrogant as ever, Vegeta says he won't need Trunks or Goku and after he goes back in the Time Chamber, he will defeat Perfect Cell on his own. Trunks then offers half of the can of meat to Mai. Shenron denies the wish, saying it is beyond his power. 170 cm (5'7") (as a teen)[5] After he makes sure she is not evil, she explains the current events to him. Anticipating that Frieza does not seem particularly concerned with his Super Saiyan God to Future! This pushes Future Trunks also temporarily deepened in this form in order to have up. Delight in causing pain and chaos in an underground shelter commands to attack both collapsed, proud of home! Open the window, and goes after Cell. [ 5 ] gravity... Being trained by Gohan and his brother Cooler, he is shown to be a giant husk behind! 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